
The TypoEffects-Application is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) based on Microsoft Silverlight. We recommend to use Internet Explorer (64 bit) or Firefox (64 bit) on Windows. On Mac OS please use Safari or another 32 bit browser!

The RowText-Image Generator

Converts images to a typographical text art image.

Beautiful woman as Text-Image. Clock as Text-Image. Frog as Text-Image. Cat as Text-Image. Car as Text-Image. Girl face as a Text-Image.

By using the RowText-Image Generator you can easily create your individual, row-based text art image. Unlike other ASCII and text converters, the content of an image is represented by different letter scaling. Choose the text you would like to use. Depending on your needs, the photos can be converted into images with two or more colors.

Depending on the size of the photo and the specified paper size the RowText-Image Generator calculates a recommended font height. This ensures that the text is still readable after the Text-Image is printed.

To get good results, the chosen photo or image should have a simple background, strong contrasts and a resolution of at least one megapixel (1 MP). Find more information here.

The WordCloud-Image Generator

Converts images to a typographical Word-Cloud.

A girl as Word-Cloud. Clock as Word-Cloud. Frog as Word-Cloud. Cat as Word-Cloud. Car as Word-Cloud. A girl face as Word-Cloud.

Create a Word-Cloud from your image in only three steps. The WordCloud-Image Generator scans the image for homogenous areas. If a user defined headword can be represented in a homogenous area, this word will be rendered. Thus an individual, typographical image is processed which consists of different text sizes of the headwords.

Use quotation marks in order to insert word groups! To get good results, the chosen photo or image should have a simple background, strong contrasts and a resolution of at least 1,5 megapixels (1,5 MP). Find more information here.

We recommend to use up to four headwords for a trail (due to processing time).